The Kauai County Housing Agency (KCHA) administers the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program for the jurisdiction of Kauai County.
KCHA applicants must apply for the HCV waiting list using this online application system during waiting list open application periods. Applying for the HCV waiting list is completely free of charge. Any website requesting a fee in order to apply are not legitimate and not related to KCHA.
*If computer access is unavailable, you may apply online by appointment at the following locations:
- Section 8 Office 241-4440
*Assistance Providers are not responsible for errors made in data input on your application. You must ensure that prior to leaving the provider site, that the information listed on your application is complete. Provider takes no responsibility for errors. If you application needs to be updated in the future, you must update your application in writing directly to the Kauai County Housing Agency Section 8 Office at 4444 Rice Street, Suite 330, Lihue, HI 96766. We cannot accept changes over the telephone.
Due to limited funding availability, applications will be selected by ranking preferences, date and time. Not all applicants will be placed on the waiting list. The time and date of receipt of the application online or on paper has NO BEARING on whether an application will be selected for the waiting list. There is no need or advantage to applying immediately after the list opens, in fact, those who do may experience slower response times or limited availability from the online system.
The following local preferences are being offered by Kauai County in the order of hierarchy:
1. Applicants who have ever been terminated from Kauai County Housing Agency's Section 8 program due to insufficient funding (NOTE: this is not the same as being terminated for cause).
2. Applicants who are participating in Kauai County Housing Agency's Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Program.
3. Applicants currently homeless in Kauai County or are certified as being currently homeless in Kauai County by a homeless service provider, homeless shelter or participating agency in the Continuum of Care.
4. Applicants who live, work or have an offer of employment within Kauai County.
The County of Kauai does not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, familial status, age, disability, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity expression, or HIV status. A person requiring special assistance to participate should request reasonable accommodations upon setting of appointment.
If you need further assistance or if you have mobility issues, call the Section 8 Rental Assistance Office at 241-4440. For hearing impaired persons, call Relay Hawaii at 711 or 877-447-5990. If you need an ASL interpreter, materials in an alternate format, or other auxiliary aid support, please contact Jennifer Toguchi at 241-4440 or via email at
Notice: You are responsible for keeping your mailing address and phone number current with KCHA for the entire time you are on the waiting list. You must notify us IN WRITING of any change to your address. If you are called up at anytime and your mail is returned or we do not hear back from you in the specified time frame, you will be removed from the waiting list. Additional information and updates regarding the list opening as well as all other KCHA programs are available online at