Boulder County Housing Authority

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Walter Self Apartments this list remains open year-round:

Senior/Disabled Housing in Lyons, CO 

Walter Self is a senior/disabled housing site, located at 335 Railroad Avenue in Lyons, Colorado and contains 12 one-bedroom apartment units.

Applicants must be disabled individuals aged 18 or older or over the age of 62 to qualify, and must also qualify as a very low, low, or moderate income household as specified by Rural Development. (A moderate income household has an adjusted income that is greater than the HUD-established low-income limit but does not exceed the low-income limit by more than $5,500.) 

Applicants will be prioritized by the date and time of their application and income level, income levels under 50% AMI will receive 15 preference points, income levels between 51%-80% will receive 10 preference points.