Glenarden Housing Authority

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There are no open waiting lists at this time.

All waiting list for The Glenarden Housing Authority (GHA) are closed, we are not accepting applications at this time. If you submitted an application for assistance when the waitlist was open, you can check the status of your application at or by calling 1-844-253-7122; 30 days after the waitlist has closed January 27, 2017. Status: Active-means you were selected for the GHA Waitlist. Please do not contact the GHA we will contact you once your name reaches the top of the waitlist. Inactive- means you were not selected for the GHA Waitlist at this time; please do not contact the Housing Authority regarding your inactive status. You are welcome to re-apply once the Waitlist opens in the future. There is never a fee to apply for GHA assistance. GHA is committed to providing assistance without discrimination on the basis of race, color, disability, religion, sex/gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, age, marital status, and familial status.