Welcome to the Sheboygan Housing Authority online application!. Please make sure you have all you of your household information ready before you start your application. You would need the following information:
- Names of all of your household members (who will be living with you)
- Social Security numbers (not required at the time of application, but will be required at time of interview)
- Birthdates of all household members (who will be living with you)
- Income information household members (who will be living with you)
The application can be save at any point, and you can return to finish if you don't have all the information you need. However, please take note that the system will time out after 30 minutes, we recommend saving your application if you need more time to complete it.
Please note that there are NO FEES associated with submitting an application, background check or credit check.
The Sheboygan Housing Authority's mission is to provide safe, decent and sanitary housing conditions for very low-income families and to manage resources efficiently.
We currently manage and operate the following apartment buildings: Wasserman, Park Plaza and Tamarack House for single individuals and couples. We also manage the Georgia Ave Apartments for families with minor children. In addition to these programs, we also manage the Section 8 (Housing Choice Voucher) for the city of Sheboygan (only). For more information about our building/programs please visit www.sheboyganha.com
We have some preferences in our policies to provide assistance for our singles and family units. Our local preference are as follow:
***Please also note that preference is given to extremely low-income families/individuals when units/programs are available***
For the Public Housing buildings (Wasserman, Park Plaza, Tamarack House, Georgia Ave.), placement in our waitlist is maintain based on our local preference (as reference above), therefore your placement on our wait list might change, putting you up or down depending on our preferences.
- Lives within the City of Sheboygan limits
- Homelessness (Needs to provide proof of shelter stay in a local shelter to obtain this preference. Verification needs to be submitted to our office. Required at the time of application)
- Elderly
- Disabled
- Victims of domestic voidance, dating violence or/and sexual assault (Verification by DV program director is required and documentation of a pattern of abuse within the las 6 months. Verification required at the time of application).